DQB Talks – Nils Borchard

Seminar: Soil Chemistry | March 14 | 2.30 p.m.-3.30 p.m. | Room 1.3.33 A

Nils Borchard, Head of Research and Innovation of German Agricultural Society (DLG e.V.) and Visiting Associate Professor at Lisbon School of Economics and Management (ISEG)

Farm to Fork: A geo-bio-chemical journey

Host: Ana S. Mestre

This presentation aims to explore interlinkages between geological, biological, and chemical processes and mechanisms shaping agri-food systems varying in time and space. Revealing profound influence of such processes and mechanisms on food production from its source in soils to its final form on our plates will be highlighted. Across diverse geographical landscapes, soils differ in their properties and climatic conditions vary strongly explaining impact on agricultural practices. Exploring in addition the complex interactions within microbiomes, enzymes, and metabolic pathways derives the basis explaining diverse nutritional values, tastes, textures, and preservation of food. Key takeaways for chemists are: i) gaining a basic understanding of the complex geo-bio-chemical interactions influencing food production and ii) identifying areas chemical expertise can contribute to solving challenges of agri-food systems.